Bulk Disc Duplication

Quick turn CD, DVD, and Blu-ray duplication (24 hour and even same day available for most products)
• produced at our New York facility.
• high quality,
• exceptional service,
• no hidden fees, no up charges,
• as few as 2 units
• 100% product guarantee
and a knowledgeable and courteous staff to help you.

Call 212 727 1248 or
Email: info@villagedigital.net

We Offer
Same Day and
24 Hour Service
Untitled Document
Duplicated Discs on the Spindle (No Printing)
Cds Only
50 Cds $32.00
100 Cds $54.00

Dvds Only
50 Dvds $36.16
100 Dvds $61.00

Blurays Only
10 Blurays $90.00
50 Blurays $295.00

Duplicated Discs on the Spindle with Black Text Printing
Cds Only
50 Cds $52.25
100 Cds $87.20

Dvds Only
50 Dvds $59.95
100 Dvds $99.97

Blurays Only
10 Blurays $104.50
50 Blurays $349.80

Promotional prices described here are for 3 to 5 days production.

Contact Us

3 Horatio St. Bsmt
New York,NY 10014